Dark Legacy :: manual noteboards
Dividing Line


dispersed about Alora are noteboards which you can use to communicate with the other inhabitants. One noteboard you can use is the noteboard on Tarsonis Square
Reading a note
Find a noteboard which you want to read. You can read notes from a global noteboards in these simple steps: 'note list' - Shows a list of all notes on the board with a list of numbers in front of them. 'note read #' - Lets you read note number # from the list.
Writing a note
Find a noteboard where you want to post your note. You can write a note in these simple steps: 'note to [receiver]' - Specify who the note is for. 'note subject [subject]' - A short subject indicating the content of the note. 'note write' - Start the editor where you can write your note. 'note post' - Post your note on the noteboard. Thats all there is to it. The note you just posted is public, and everyone who can read from the noteboard you posted on can also read the note.
Sending (private) mail
You can only post private notes in the Tarsonis postoffice. You can write a private note in these simple steps: 'mail to [receiver]' - Specify who the note is for. 'mail subject [subject]' - A short subject indicating the content of the note. 'mail write' - Start the editor where you can write your note. 'mail post' - Post your note on the noteboard. Thats all there is to it. The note you just mailed is private, and can only be read by the receiving party.
Reading your mail
You can read private notes in the postoffice. (see 'HELP TARSONIS'). You can read a private note in these simple steps: 'mail list' - Shows a list of all your mail on the board with a list of numbers in front of them. 'mail read #' - Lets you read mail number # from the list.
Removing a note
You can remove notes from a noteboard by typing 'note remove #', where # is the number of the note as seen in 'note list'. You can only take notes that are sent by you or are adressed to you specificly.

You can alternatively take a note from a noteboard by typing 'note take #', where # is the number of the note as seen in 'note list'. This allows you to post the note somewhere else or edit it. You can only take notes that are sent by you or are adressed to you specificly.

Holding a poll
Once a note has been posted on a noteboard, the author may open voting with 'note vote # open'. All those who can read the board may then vote on the issue in the note with 'note vote # yes/no/abstain'. The author may close the voting by typing 'note vote # close'.

Note list will show whether a note is not a voting note, open to voting or closed to voting. The character that separates the author and the recipient in 'note list' will be a colon, a capital V or a capital C accordingly.